Richard Stanley Might Travel Back To THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU

The original director of the '90s disaster may try again.

Lost Soul, David Gregory's documentary about Richard Stanley's attempt to make The Island Of Dr. Moreau (which ended up being finished disastrously by John Frankenheimer), played to a hugely responsive audience at Fantastic Fest today. At the Q&A after the film Stanley revealed that maybe, just maybe, he's taking another shot at HG Wells' classic scifi novel.

Stanley said that because the book has slipped into public domain he has been able to turn his original script - which went totally unused and is very different from the finished film - into a comic book. And that comic book, he hopes, can be used to raise money for a new version.

Lost Soul is a hilarious, tragic look at a movie that never happened, a la Jodorowsky's Dune, and much like that doc, Lost Soul shows intriguing concept art that sparks your imagination. If Stanley could get that stuff realized on screen it might be one of the most exciting developments in years.
