Win Ten BIRDMAN Posters And A Hyper-Collectible Birdman Doll!

This could be the coolest contest we've ever run.

Last week we brought you ten incredible city posters for Birdman, opening this weekend. Today I want to give you those ten posters… and something more.

In the film Birdman is an established and beloved character. In that world you would probably walk into any toy store and be able to get your hands on a Birdman doll. Sadly, we don’t live in that world… but you can get that Birdman doll.

Fox Searchlight is providing us with an incredibly rare, ultra-collectible Birdman doll to give away to one lucky Badass Digest reader. You’ll get the doll and the ten posters - you’ll be the epicenter of the burgeoning Birdman collectible movement.

This is one of the coolest giveaways we’ve ever run. I don’t know that this doll will ever be made available to the general public. This movie is going to blow you guys away, and whoever ends up with this super rare doll is going to be the envy of fandom.

So how do you win? Easy. All you have to do is go on Twitter (yeah, you gotta have a Twitter account) and tweet “I want the #birdman doll!” with a link to this article. That’s it! Good luck, Birdman fans. 

Be sure to check out Birdman on October 17th. Here's the trailer:
