BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN DAWN OF RUMOR: Robin Could Be A Lady, Specifically Jena Malone

So says a movie extra. 

Latino Review is reporting that Robin in Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice* is going to be more of a Girl Wonder than the Boy variety, with Jena Malone allegedly set to don the yellow cape. Jena Malone is the straight up goddamn COOLEST, so I'm certainly not hating this rumor. 

Is it more than a rumor? An extra (risking a $5 million fine from Warner Bros, says Latino Review) dropped by a Detroit news station to unload the scoop, also reporting on a scene filmed at the Michigan State Art Museum where Ben Affleck's Batman gets into a fight with Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. But extra, I don't find that part of your so-called information all that interesting, so let's get back to the part where Jena Malone might play Robin!

I honestly have no idea if this rumor carries any weight whatsoever, but I really like the sound of it. I want it to be true, and sometimes, if I want something really hard, it happens. 

* <Devin joke>
