Poor Max Borenstein Gets Rewritten Again On SKULL ISLAND

Also, SKULL ISLAND is being rewritten.

If I understand my Hollywood wheeling and dealing correctly, Max Borenstein’s Godzilla script was messed with by about 100 different screenwriters, the list of which includes Frank Darabont and Iron Man 3 writer Drew Pierce.

Since then Borenstein has also written a script for Legendary’s big, mysterious King Kong movie, Skull Island. Now that, too, is being rewritten. Poor guy.

Deadline reports that Flight writer John Gatins (who Mike Fleming Jr. thinks is far too handsome to have a screenwriting Oscar nomination) will rewrite Borenstein’s script. Apparently, the original script was only far enough along to get Universal a November 2016 release date. Looking deep within myself, I must admit that I have no real idea what that means.

In any case, Skull Island still stars Tom Hiddleston, will still be directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, and will still be about Skull Island. The rest - just pesky details.
