New POLTERGEIST Trailer: Carol Anne No More

Also they've genderswapped Zelda Rubenstein.

The new images from Poltergeist have been followed up by a new trailer and poster. The trailer reveals some stuff I didn't know, such as the lack of a Carol Anne. She's Maddie now. And the Zelda Rubenstein Tangina character is now Lane Pryce from Mad Men. What I did know, confirmed by the trailer? Bunches of CGI!

I would like to be positive about this film, but it's the latest MGM remake, and none of those have been any good at all so far. Poltergeist is not dated in some impossible way, so I don't understand why it needs a redo. And even if it were dated - why not just rip it off, like Insidious? That's the way it should be done - take a concept and riff on it, don't just remake a movie and change stuff willy nilly. This trailer makes it look very, very similar to the original, just with changes cut and pasted in. Instead of sliding in the kitchen the kids are getting a hair-raising sensation in the bedroom! Instead of ripping off his own face a paranormal investigator is being attacked by beings within the walls! Instead of a uniquely bizarre medium there's a craggy British guy. 

Hey, maybe it'll be good. 

Here's the new poster, weirdly proclaiming this a 'new vision.'
