Julia Louis-Dreyfus In Talks To Star In The U.S. FORCE MAJEURE Remake

Dammit, now I'm interested.

Though I'm hardly of the mind that all remakes are bad, I haven't held much interest in the idea of an American remake of Force Majeure, Ruben Östlund‘s brilliant, chasm-dark relationship comedy out of Sweden last year. Force Majeure is so brutal, so excruciating, so relentlessly hilarious that an American remake can't help but feel soft and wan in comparison. 

But dammit if Julia Louis-Dreyfus wouldn't be perfect. 

She's in talks to star and produce in the Fox Searchlight production, and if that plays out, the Force Majeure remake could be saved. Nothing Louis-Dreyfus does is soft or wan. Her comedy is brutal and excruciating and relentlessly hilarious, and I'd pay good money to watch her openly disdain her weak-willed husband for two solid hours. 

Your weekly reminder to watch Veep! Julia Louis-Dreyfus is doing legendary work on that show, and the ensemble cast surrounding her is nearly as good. (Only nearly because this woman is an untouchable goddess.) The fourth season premieres on April 12, which gives you plenty of time to pick up the Blus and catch up. And if you have HBO and haven't been watching Veep, then I have a question for you. You like to have sex, and you like to travel, right?
