You Got Too Much Superman In My BATMAN V SUPERMAN?

Warners may want more Dark Knight.

The script for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice* with which I am familiar is very heavy on Superman. It's definitely a Superman story, one that features Batman in a strong supporting role (and Wonder Woman in a smaller supporting role). That's the movie - this is a film about Superman and his impact on and place in the world. 

But what if, Warner Bros execs are asking, it wasn't? What if there was more Batman in this Superman movie? That is the rumor Heroic Hollywood is hearing, that Warner Bros wants edits or reshoots to add some more Dark Knight to Zack Snyder's latest film. 

Is this true? Maybe! It's hard to say at this stage of the game. There's certainly plenty of time to bring Affleck back for some reshoots, and maybe to drag Leto along for the ride. There's a belief that the DC movies are more artistically driven, but from where I'm sitting they seem to be exactly as corporate driven as any other blockbuster - it just so happens that Zack Snyder and the execs are often on the same page. That means changes could be decreed from up high, changes like "Give us more Batman in this movie."

If the decision is just to add more Batman that's easy and doable enough. But Heroic Hollywood indicates they're hearing WB wants less Superman as well, and I just don't know how they do that, based on the shooting script. Again, this is Superman's movie, and cutting him down would have to impact the story on some level. More Batman makes sense. Less Superman? I have skepticism that they can pull that off without distorting the movie terribly. 

* still the title of the movie, until they get rid of that pesky Superman. 
