First SPECTRE Clip Is Released Or Leaked Or Something

I showed this SPECTRE clip to Devin to see if he was cool running it, since we're not sure who cleared it (even though it's got an Eon/MGM/Sony watermark on it). He watched it and without missing a beat said "They made a James Bond TV show?" I'm not going to try to top that.

Anyway, the clip features new guy Denbigh (Andrew Scott) delivering some devastating news about MI6 to M (Ralph Fiennes), staring at him all the while like a chilling little psychopath. So that bodes well for these two. Not the thrills and spills we were hoping for in a first clip from SPECTRE, but you play the hand you're dealt, y'know?

As a bonus, here's Babs Broccoli and Sams Smith and Mendes telling you how much they love the new theme song. That should get you on board.

SPECTRE premieres next Monday in the UK. You'd think there'd be a press screening on the schedule by now!
