If You Haven’t Received Your Copy Of The BMD STAR WARS Issue…

An update on shipping.

I am so proud of the BIRTH.MOVIES.DEATH. special Star Wars issue. I think it's gorgeous, I think the content is incredible and I think it's an exciting next step for us. We've been publishing magazines for years now, but they have only been available at Drafthouse locations. Now we can offer them for sale to everyone everywhere, fulfilling a real dream of mine. I think print magazines are cool collectible items and it seems, from the sales, like a lot of people agree. 

While the magazine is amazing the shipping process has been less thrilling. This was our first issue available for order online, and that means we've done a lot of learning over the last few months - especially about shipping. As I write this every single copy of the magazine has been shipped from the printer and is making its way (probably very slowly thanks to Christmas mailing logjams) to everyone who ordered them. But the whole handling process took much longer than we anticipated, especially for people who opted for the cheapest shipping method. We believed everyone would have a magazine in their hands by the time The Force Awakens opened, and that hasn't been the case. 

For this you have my apologies. We're as disappointed as you are if your issue hasn't arrived yet. Like I said, they have all been mailed, but if you're concerned or upset you can contact us at [email protected] 

An apology only goes so far. We are taking steps to make sure that our next issue - a special Batman v Superman* issue - will be delivered in a much more timely fashion. We've moved up our production schedule quite a bit, and we're also looking into other shipping options, some of which may cost slightly more money. We will also make sure that everyone who pre-orders a copy understands exactly when their magazines are shipping - too many people who bought the Star Wars issue online thought they were buying a mag that was ready to mail immediately, and that was a failure of communication on our part. We need to take pre-orders to know how many copies to print, but future pre-order offers will have a shipping date mentioned. 

The issue has sold out online, but copies are still available at Alamo Drafthouse locations. If you don't live near a Drafthouse but are jonesing for a copy, email us at the address above and we'll see if we can't figure something out. 

Meanwhile we have started work on the Batman v Superman issue and I think it's going to be great. Like the Star Wars issue it will be a celebration of what people love about these characters, as well as smart writing about their histories, their respective movie franchises and what they mean to the world at large. Oh, and there's gonna be Wonder Woman in there too. We have a couple of very cool ideas about how to make this issue unique and especially collectible, and we're once again working with Mondo for covers and interior art. If you loved the gallery of Star Wars posters in the last issue you'll flip for what we have this time. 

Thanks for your patience and understanding with the Star Wars issue. We've heard you, and we're going to make sure that shipping works better next time. And the time after that - we have a whole slate of awesome issues lined up for 2016 celebrating movies new and old, and I think you're going to love what's planned.

* you'll have to buy the mag to find out if we include this joke.
