AVATAR 2 Continues Not Existing, Now Has No Release Date

Schrodinger's Na'vi - is this franchise dead or alive?

Earlier this week DIsney moved Star Wars Episode VIII to December 2017, placing it just days before Fox's scheduled date for Avatar 2. At the time two things seemed possible: Disney felt like they had a big swingin' lightsaber that they could use against those blue cats, or they knew that Avatar 2 wasn't making its date. 

Turns out it was number two, and Fox has moved Avatar 2 off its schedule in general. And just like that, the promised/threatened Avatar sequel trilogy has re-entered a state of quantum uncertainty - will these movies ever actually happen? 

James Cameron has gotten a bunch of writers together and they've been hammering shit out. He's been working on newer tech to bring us more convincing blue cat people. But he doesn't seem to have the whole thing nailed down; every time it looks like the sequels are ready to begin - and this time we thought he would be shooting early this year - they just sort of slip away. Does this franchise actually even exist?

I mean, Fox will happily release these movies. There can't be a hold up on a corporate end. The delays must all be coming from Cameron. It has to be creative, right? Which leads me to wonder: does James Cameron even really want to make these movies? He, like some of his peers, seems to have fallen in love with tech more than tales, and that makes me ask whether he even cares about telling these future Avatar stories. If R&D is all he really cares about when it comes to Avatar, why ever leave that phase?

Maybe there's a great reason for the continued, endless delays of these movies, but from where I'm sitting it just seems like even the people making them don't feel strongly about them. 
