Psylocke Could Be The Most Comic-Accurate X-Man Yet

Olivia Munn shares a new look at the character.

"What did you expect - yellow spandex?"

That joke has hung over the X-Men franchise for the last two decades; as other comic book movies have found themselves comfortable with the four-color glory of the characters' costumes, the films have largely clung to dour, Matrix-inspired outfits. The best costumes in an movie to date were in X-Men: First Class, but even then we never got the heroes in their classic individual outfits. Even Wolverine, whose classic duds were hinted at in The Wolverine, has never been comic-accurate onscreen, despite appearing in approximately 700 films. 

While to my eyes X-Men: Apocalypse looks like a disaster and a half, at least Psylocke will look cool. Olivia Munn was doing a Twitter Q&A and she revealed a new shot of herself in costume as the ninja-psychic mutant, and it looks pretty much like the character: 

Was that so hard? I mean, I don't know why she needs to have rubber breastplates, but I'm just glad the costume is allowed to be purple.

Now when am I gonna get Wolvie in the yellow and black/blue outfit with the big headfins?
