New THE NICE GUYS Trailer May Actually Cure All Ailments

It’s just that good.

According to yesterday’s Batman v Superman reviews, it looks like Warner Bros may not have the greatest movie ever made on their hands after all. Luckily, just as those reviews started splattering the Internet, WB released this trailer for Shane Black’s The Nice Guys, which goes a long way toward softening the blow:

This trailer is just one great gag after another. It’s hard to imagine a finished film that can deliver this much humor at this pace, but anyone who has seen Black’s Kiss Kiss Bang Bang should have faith. I actually think the central dynamic here looks even better than the one between Robert Downey, Jr. and Val Kilmer.

Apparently the world needs a funny ‘70s crime comedy starring a wimpy Ryan Gosling and chubby Russell Crowe way more than it needs a movie where Batman and Superman hate each other for 150 minutes. Who knew? The Nice Guys comes out May 20, after which it will make a billion dollars.
