Chris Pratt’s Star Lord Will Appear In AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR

He'll guard the galaxy with that Thor guy

It’s a been a big couple of days for Marvel movie news, what with Captain America: Civil War receiving wild praise from critics. But the film being good isn’t the only major buzz: yesterday, directors Joe & Anthony Russo let Devin in on just how big the next two Avengers installments would be by mentioning a certain Space Lord. While this doesn’t come as a complete surprise, hearing it straight from horse’s mouth makes it all but official.

I know, it seems like we’re getting ahead of ourselves since Civil War doesn’t open for another couple of weeks, but it’s set to lay the groundwork for this next phase of Marvel films in a pretty significant way. What’s more, it establishes the Russos (and writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely) as the architects of the MCU going forward, and Anthony Russo claims to be most excited to play with Star Lord in particular. Whether it happens in 2018 or 2019, we now know for sure that the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers will cross paths in Avengers: Infinity War! How cool is that? Seeing all these characters interact is a huge part of Marvel Studios’ charm, and the Russos clearly have a handle on how to make it work.

On the other hand, Joe Russo is looking forward to picking up with the God of thunder where Thor: Ragnarok leaves off, at least in an emotional sense. The Winter Soldier was the film that had the biggest impact on Phase II, burying S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to raise questions of the Avengers’ accountability in Age of Ultron. Given how Civil War tackles that issue on Earth and how Ragnarok will likely reshape things elsewhere (narratively, and perhaps even literally), it’s really starting to feel like Phase III is going to have two Winter Soldier-esque landmarks, one of which is going to take Thor to some interesting places.

Now that Kevin Feige & co. are out from under Marvel’s thumb, it feels safe to say that it’s going to be a good couple of years for the MCU. But first, let’s all sit back and enjoy Civil War when it arrives on May 6th, or on April 29th depending on where you are.

Pick up Birth.Movies.Death. Magazine’s CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR issue here!
