BIOSHOCK’s Ken Levine Is Making An Interactive TWILIGHT ZONE Movie

This is a great pairing.

Here's some interesting news to kick off the week: BioShock director Ken Levine is going to make an interactive Twilight Zone film. According to Wired:

The critically acclaimed game creator says he’ll write and direct an interactive live-action film based on the classic sci-fi anthology series, one that will “explore the spaces between movies and games.” Technology from the media company Interlude will allow viewers to determine what the characters do, probably leading to a twist at the end—just like the show, and Levine’s best-known games.

You might recall "the media company Interlude" from such interactive videos as Bob Dylan's "Like A Rolling Stone" video and last Super Bowl's "Hulk VS Ant-Man" clip, which was accompanied by an interactive website thingy sponsored by Coke. In these clips, video streams can be switched between at will by the viewer, which is kind of a neat trick, I guess! Applying that format to a feature-length movie strikes me as almost hilariously difficult, but then, I am a simple man who honestly has no idea how these things are made. 

Let's let Levine and Interlude worry about the technical stuff. I'm just worried about the thing being well-written and entertaining, and with Levine onboard, there's a good chance it will be. Over the course of several games (System Shock 2, BioShock, and BioShock Infinite) Levine has proven himself capable of delivering intriguing narratives with memorable characters, punchy dialogue, and deeply-satisfying twist endings. Speaking as a fan of both the Twilight Zone franchise and Levine's talents as a writer, this is a great pairing.

No word on how this thing will roll out or when we might see it, but it's nice to know that it's happening. Also nice to know: Levine's Take-Two Interactive is "working dilligently" on their next game. 
