Here’s The First Trailer For Woody Allen’s CAFE SOCIETY

This looks Coen Bros. af.

The Cannes Film Festival's about to kick off, and this year the Fest will open with Woody Allen's Café Society (Fun Fact: it's actually a law in France that if Woody has a new movie, it must open that year's Cannes Film Festival). The film stars - brace for eyerolling! - Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart, and appears to be a bit of a plot-heavy comedy about Hollywood in the 30's. 

The first trailer just arrived. Let's give it a whirl.

Y'know, if it weren't for a few very specific tells, you might be able to convince me that this is a trailer for a new Coen Bros. movie. You've got Hollywood in its Golden Age. You've got a self-deprecating writer. You've got some light mobster activity (check out that body getting tossed into cement!). You've got the machine-gun dialogue typical of a Coen Bros. effort. This is also an entertaining trailer, which is always a given on a Coen film...but increasingly rare for a Woody Allen joint.

Also: how 'bout that cast? In addition to Eisenberg and Stewart, you've got Steve Carell, Corey Stoll, Parker Posey, Judy Davis, Paul Schneider, Anna Camp, Tony Sirico (yessss) and, uh, Blake Lively. Among others! That's a stacked deck if I ever saw one.

Honestly, my lone reservation here is Eisenberg. I was in that dude's corner for a long time, but the last few years have seriously tested our relationship, with The Film That Shall Not Be Named: Dawn Of Justice serving as the straw the broke the camel's back. I like this trailer, but I'm hoping this is the Eisenberg performance that reminds me why I was on this guy's side in the first place.

Café Society opens later this year. 
