BMD Contest: Win THE BOY Blu-ray & Swag!

Sorry (or thankfully?), life-sized Brahms doll not included.

Until James Wan and his pesky ghosts come along, William Brent Bell's The Boy sits at the top of the year's horror box office throne, turning a rather soft opening into an impressive $36m gross - a rare sleeper hit for the notoriously front-loaded genre. There are two things that we can chalk that success up to: one is that it was just a pretty good flick, and every now and then audiences turn out for such things instead of buying tickets for bad movies they're seeing out of a strange sense of obligation. The other is that it had a sweet twist in its final reel that was surprisingly kept fairly quiet - I didn't see it spoiled on my Twitter feed or anything, even after it had been out for a while (for comparison, discussion of Krampus' finale began as soon as the movie opened). The whole movie centered on whether or not Brahms the doll was really alive or if Lauren Cohan had been hired to babysit something that couldn't even move, let alone stay up past its bedtime.

But now it's coming out on Blu-ray from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, and such spoilers will likely be harder to avoid. However, for those who sat the theatrical run out and haven't had the ending ruined yet, I have good news - two of you are going to be able to spend the same amount of money on the Blu as you did on a movie ticket! (That's nothing, math wizards.) The lucky folks I pick will also get a T-shirt and a candle that will look way creepy once it's been used a few times - I hope the eventual winners frequently have guests so they have to keep explaining why they have a half melted human head on their coffee table. Great conversation piece AND it generates interest in this cool little flick? Win-win.

To enter, simply email [email protected] and answer the following question: Who is your favorite doll (or puppet) in horror movie history? One of the puppets from Puppet Master? Chucky, or even Tiffany? Roberto Benigni's Pinocchio? Email your answer and your name, shipping address (US only, please!) and phone number and I'll be picking a winner on May 10th, which just so happens to be the day the Blu-ray hits shelves. That way if you don't win you can rush out and rent/buy a copy and watch before anyone tells you that Brahms is actually -

