NSFW: James Franco Is Bryan Cranston’s Son-In-Law From Hell In The First WHY HIM? Trailer

This red-band trailer is NSFWAF.

Hot take: we've seen so many variations on the classic "meeting the parents" comedy trope over the years, I wouldn't be heartbroken if that entire sub-genre were to go dormant for a while. 

At least, that's what I would've told you as recently as five minutes ago, just before I watched the trailer for John Hamburg's Why Him? But having watched said trailer, I now feel there is room in my heart for one more of these. 

One last reminder: this is a red-band trailer. Do with that what you will.

Maybe I'm in a particularly good mood, but this trailer's working like gangbusters for me. James Franco as a wildly foul-mouthed internet-rich douchebag? Bryan Cranston - who, bless his soul, has been applied properly by exactly one project (Argo) since Breaking Bad ended - as an increasingly flustered father, outraged by her daughter's choice of husband? Keegan-Michael Key playing some sort of man-servant? Megan Mullally twerking? Guys, I couldn't be more in the bag for this movie if I tried.

This is the first I'm hearing of Why Him?, but you can bet I'll be keeping tabs on it in the months ahead. I can't wait.

By the way, Why Him? arrives on Christmas Day, in case you need something to watch with your in-laws over the holidays.
