Arnold Schwarzenegger’s First CELEBRITY APPRENTICE Teaser Makes Donald Trump Look Like A Toad Choad

And all in thirty seconds.

We all have to look back with shame upon Celebrity Apprentice as something that helped bring us to this awful moment in history. But it was entertaining, if only for a good Meat Loaf freakout.

Nevertheless, just because a show enabled evil, that doesn’t necessarily mean the show itself is a blight on humanity. Case in point, now the Donald Trump is busy helping America embrace its simmering, dormant racism, we can actually have a Celebrity Apprentice host worth a damn.

As you already know, that host is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the absolute best choice possible for this. And now his iteration of the show has a teaser:

Sadly, we have to wait until next year for this to finally be on television. But I will be there. I do believe this could end up being the greatest show ever created.
