Shit Gets Real As Joe Carnahan Says BAD BOYS FOR LIFE Will Be The Strongest BAD BOYS

Carnahan says it's the best script this series has ever had.

It is no secret that the Birth.Movies.Death. crew is firmly pro-Bad Boys. It is also common knowledge that we are generally pro-the work of Joe Carnahan. And so, when Carnahan signed on to direct the third installment of this series (which they're calling Bad Boys For Life), we were understandably very excited. Unreasonably excited, some might say.

Then Joe Carnahan said this...

"(It’s) the strongest script of any of those movies. Hands down. In a walk over. Unless you’re Toy Story 3, usually third ones aren’t the strongest, and I think this one will be the strongest of the trilogy thus far.”

...and now we are more hyped than ever (note: I'm say "we" because I feel safe speaking for the group here; Siddhant Adlakha could not be reached for comment at the time of this post's writing). In addition to the promise of the strongest script this series has ever seen, Carnahan also hints that Bad Boys For Life will be an of-the-moment affair:

"There’s a lot of funny shit in this movie. And there’s also a very mysterious, but tonally spot-on story that I think is kind of perfect for where we are in this day and age, where the guys are and reflectively, a very modern take on these guys. It’s kind of what becomes of Bad Boys when they’re not boys anymore.”

Somewhere, Danny Butterman is firing his sidearm into the air and screaming with joy. There's no telling where Carnahan's going to take Detectives Burnett and Lowrey this time around, but at this point I trust the dude's instincts. 

Head on over to i09 to read the rest of their interview with Carnahan, and stay tuned for more Bad Boys For Life updates as they become available.
