It’s Totally Safe To Watch This RINGS Trailer (Probably)

Samara is back and hitting all your screens.

The world has changed quite a bit since The Ring Two came out in 2005. There are so many new places now for Samara the Angry Well Girl to pop out of. So it makes some sense that there’s a new Ring movie headed our way. Whether it looks good or not is a whole different story:

Plenty of trailers give away too much information, but this one goes overboard when it comes to showing off scares. Structured around the seven days random hot girl has to live after seeing that infamous video, this trailer really wants you to know that shit will be messed up throughout the film rather than just at the end. I don’t remember there being this much body horror in the Ring movies before, but I also don’t remember the Ring movies all that well.

There are some curious bits, however. I’m always fond of films where Vincent D’Onofrio checks in to deliver exposition (in an eyepatch, no less), and the idea of Samara fucking up an airplane is intriguing, though I doubt the end result will be as cool as we all hope.

More than anything, I’m curious to see how new technology affects Samara’s ability to scare people to death after seven days of fucking with them just for fun. We don’t have long to wait as the film comes out October 28.
