The Canon Episode 94: THE KING OF COMEDY

Is this underrated Scorsese worthy of The Canon?

One of the things I would like to do more with The Canon moving forward is highlight movies that deserve a little more attention. Movies that are great but that have somehow slipped through the cultural consciousness cracks. Movies like Martin Scorsese's The King of Comedy

A cringe comedy long before they became popular, and a prescient look at what fan culture would become in the next few decades, The King of Comedy is a great film whose crime seems to have been that it wasn't Taxi Driver or Raging Bull. Or maybe it just isn't that good - that's up to you to decide. It's why we have a poll on this show!

Yes, you can vote on The King of Comedy right here. Do so after you listen to the episode!

Next week: Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan in honor of Trek's 50th anniversary month. 
