Have Fun Trying To Nap Through This SLEEPLESS Trailer

Jamie Foxx up in the club.

Sleepless Night is a French thriller about a corrupt cop who has to spend all night looking for a bag of drugs in a nightclub in an effort to save his kidnapped son. It’s fucking awesome, and I highly recommend you check it out.

I also recommend you watch this trailer for the remake starring Jamie Foxx:

It doesn’t look like they changed a whole lot (other than the title for some reason), which is probably for the best. All we’re really hoping for with this one is a single location thriller that takes place over the course of one night. They don’t need to reinvent the wheel or anything. Just get to that club as fast as you can and get to business.

So what I’m saying is, I’m in the bag for this, even though the trailer starts off with a muted car chase that will briefly make you think your computer is broken. I'm also fond of this poster and genius bad tagline:

What do you guys think? Is this a good idea for a remake or one of those precious movies no one should touch?
