This POWER RANGERS Trailer Is Awful

See if you can sit through it.

I don’t have much hate in my heart, but after watching this trailer for their big new movie, I’m happy to send what little I have Power Rangers’ way. 

I’m not sure what part of this first trailer I dislike most. The Breakfast Club Saturday school thing. The fake angst. Pretty much every line of dialog. The way these Power Rangers have super powers long before they get their costumes.

Actually, I know where my not liking this really got kicked up a notch - it was the cliche creepy movie trailer cover of “I Walk the Line”. This is dumb.

But I could be alone on this one. Maybe you thought it looked super cool. I saw one person favorably compare it to Chronicle on Twitter, so a positive take is definitely possible. I don’t want to get in the way of that or make any judgments. But you also might be a goofball.

Power Rangers hits theaters in March.
