Watch The Fantastic Fest Short JUDY Here And Now

You gotta watch out for that AI, man.

Alex Kavutskiy and Ariel Gardner's short sci-fi film Judy debuted at Fantastic Fest this year to a delighted audience. Judy's a science fiction film about artificial intelligence, but I promise you it's nothing you're expecting.

It's also a film about male entitlement and the role of women in society, a smart and funny movie that says a whole lot in ten minutes. It's absolutely worth your time. And now you can watch it, right here! 

Read on for the credits: 

starring Paul Isakson
Kate Freund
& Brady Novak

written, directed and produced by Alex Kavutskiy & Ariel Gardner
director of photography Jay Carey
production designer Ester Song Kim
composer Jason Martin Castillo
colorist Jonah Braun
gaffer Andrew Harless
ac Kelly Reed
sound Jake Robinson
visual fx Josh Sasson
