Andrew Garfield Warns That Martin Scorsese’s SILENCE Is Going To Be Brutal

PLUS: See a few new images from the film.

In a new interview with Fandango, Andrew Garfield says that Martin Scorsese's upcoming Silence will be both "meditative and brutal", which makes plenty of sense when you do a little digging and learn that a good portion of the film will likely involve Christians being hung upside down and slowly bled to death over open pits (fun fact: Silence will open in limited release this Christmas).

Here's Garfield's full quote:

"It's meditative and brutal simultaneously. It's a very mysterious film and I can't quite put it into words. Every time me and Marty would try to get to the bottom of its themes and what the character is going through, we would wind up talking for two to three hours, and every time there would be five minutes of silence at the end because we had exhausted the conversation and had no answers, only more questions. Then he'd look at me and go, 'Okay kid, until next time...(Laughs).

"There is a lot of violence in it, but it's done in a very different way. It's a very specific type of brutality that was being done reluctantly, and yet with this Japanese eloquence -- it had a real seduction about it. It's really fascinating... but I don't want to say too much until you see it. You see it and then we'll talk about it."

In addition to the above - which, to be fair, doesn't sound too outside the norm for a Scorsese joint - we've also got a quartet of new Silence photos for you to gawk at. Here they are.

These images, which don't really tell us much but sure are pretty to look at, come to us from Cinema Em Cena and Yahoo Japan. I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more from this movie in the very near future (be on the lookout for a trailer in the next few weeks), and it won't be long after that that we'll finally get a chance to see it for ourselves.

Have any of you guys read the book Silence is based on? If so, let's hear what you thought in the comments below. It doesn't really sound like my cup of tea, but I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what Scorsese does with it. 
