We Do Not Deserve These Glorious XXX: RETURN OF XANDER CAGE Character Posters

The Rory McCann one is pretty much everything.

We are apparently getting a new xXx: Return of Xander Cage trailer tomorrow. I’m not sure we need one, though. The first trailer had Vin Diesel surfing with a motorcycle, for goodness sake. Add to that the amazingly goofy/cool posters below, and what more do you need?

I don’t think I have to tell you how in love I am with these. They have everything. Some are beyond silly, like they’re advertising an actual parody (I’m looking at you, dancing dude who looks like someone morphed together Tom Hanks and Channing Tatum’s faces). Some - I think you know which ones - are just fucking badass any way you slice it. And then one has Vin Diesel. An embarrassment of riches, I say.

Actually, one with Samuel L. Jackson wouldn’t be bad. But we get what we get and we don’t throw a fit. Especially when what we get is so beautiful.
