And Now We’re Getting A STARSHIP TROOPERS Reboot

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Let's cut straight to the news, which just broke over at The Hollywood Reporter:

Columbia Pictures is rebooting Starship Troopers, the 1997 science fiction film directed by Paul Verhoeven.

The studio has tapped Mark Swift and Damian Shannon, the writing duo behind the upcoming Baywatch movie, to write the script for a new theatrical feature film that would relaunch a potential franchise.

On top of hiring Swift and Shannon, the Starship Troopers reboot has also picked up Neal Mortiz (the Fast And The Furious franchise) in an executive producer role. He'll be working alongside Toby Jaffe, who previously worked with Moritz on (uh oh) the Total Recall reboot. Apparently, the plan here is not to remake Verhoeven's film, so much as it is to revisit and re-adapt the classic Robert Heinlein novel which inspired it. 

Look, I'm on record as being the guy who doesn't mind remakes ("They don't erase the originals!" is a thing you have probably heard me say seventeen dozen times), but this one's really testing my patience. I suppose going back to the source material and delivering a completely different type of Starship Troopers film is an approach I don't hate, but still: I kinda feel like Verhoeven already delivered the best possible version of this story. Maybe there's room for another, I don't know.

Nothing further to report at the moment, but we'll let you know when developments occur. While you're waiting on those to arrive, hit the comments section below and marvel at what a questionable idea this whole thing is.
