You Have To See The Insane Trailer For DEATH STRANDING, Starring Guillermo Del Toro

It's a video game. From Hideo Kojima. Starring Guillermo del Toro. And Mads Mikkelsen. It looks even crazier than it sounds.

Last night, the Game Awards dropped a number of new trailers on us, and many of them were incredibly exciting. But no piece of marketing we witnessed last night was as insane, ambitious, or flat-out gorgeous as the trailer for Hideo Kojima's next title, Death Stranding.

The game (about which almost nothing is currently known) is Kojima's first since his extremely acrimonious break-up with Konami, the video game publisher he'd called home for decades. Thanks to an earlier, almost-as-crazy teaser trailer, we already knew the title would star The Walking Dead's Norman Reedus ... but last night's trailer - which runs over four minutes in length - revealed that Reedus would be joined by none other than Guillermo del Toro and Mads Mikkelsen.

Buckle in for this:

I'm not going to even attempt to interpret whatever the hell's going on here (if past Kojima trailers are anything to go by, this is tip-of-the-iceberg shit, and will probably only be partially representative of whatever the game actually ends up being), but good lord am I happy to soak in all this bonkers imagery. 

Gamers will remember that del Toro and Kojima almost worked together once before, on a game that would've been the next Silent Hill (raise your hands if you've still got that P.T. demo downloaded to your PS4!). One can't help but wonder if any of the gameplay mechanics and horror del Toro and Kojima planned for Silent Hills will make it into Death Stranding. It certainly looks like it's not shying away from the creepy imagery.

Real talk: I've never, ever enjoyed a Metal Gear game (the franchise Kojima is known for), even as I've appreciated the incredible artistry Kojima brought to bear on all of those titles. Here's hoping that Death Stranding's the game that finally lets me love Kojima as much as the rest of you.

Stay tuned for more on Death Stranding as it becomes available.
