New RINGS Poster Promises Death To All Viewers

Watch this movie at your own risk.

It’s old news that everything old is new again. But that doesn’t stop it from being true. In that spirit, here is a poster for the new movie in the Ring franchise, Rings:

I don’t know if this is legit or not, but I’ve heard that Rings has to do with a group of knuckleheads who dare each other to watch the video and keep passing it around. Classic young dipshit behavior. But it is a novel approach to the story, if nothing else. (Although based on the previous trailer, that might not be the case.)

Maybe we'll get more info when the new trailer drops later this week. Or you could just wait a bit. The film comes out one month from today. And as this poster predicts, everyone who sees it will die. Eventually, that prophesy will actually come true, so good on you, movie.
