Announcing The Great Debate: SPLIT

Is M. Night Shyamalan the iconic genre director of our time?

It's time for another installment of The Great Debate, a new feature on Birth.Movies.Death. in which two writers discuss the merits and challenges surrounding a particularly divisive film. In the past, writers have debated Elle and Rogue One, and our next film is certainly ripe for deliberation: M. Night Shyamalan's Split.

Early next week, The Austin Chronicle's Richard Whittaker and our own Andrew Todd will be discussing Split and its place in M. Night Shyamalan's career. Is Split Shyamalan's comeback? Does he even need a comeback? Andrew is a die-hard defender of Shyamalan and Split, while Richard takes a more critical view of the filmmaker and his most recent outing. 

Where do you stand? Because, here's the thing - we can't do The Great Debate without YOU. See Split this weekend - at the Alamo or another theater of your choosing. Next week, join in the comments of Richard and Andrew's debate and vote in our poll. This post will have spoilers, so you'll have to have seen the film to participate! 

We'll see you here next week, when we'll settle this thing once and for all. 
