ROBIN HOOD: ORIGINS Producer Compares The Film To JOHN WICK

Get ready for bow-and-arrow headshots as far as the eye can see.

Collider's got another interview with producer Basil Iwanyk today, one focused on the upcoming Robin Hood: Origins. Said interview contains a number of truly unbelievable proclamations.

Let's see ... I guess we should start here: 

“The images of Robin Hood, the imagery we have, the production design, the stunt work that we’re doing—a lot of it was inspired by the John Wick stunt work. The stuff we’re doing with the bow and arrow, it’s the same thing that Keanu does with the gun. The costumes, it just feels different than any other Robin Hood we had.”

I'm picturing Robin Hood: Origins star Taron Egerton surrounded by the Sheriff of Nottingham's men, taking them out in record time with one bow-and-arrow headshot after another. You, too, should try imagining this, and see if your eyes don't glaze over from the absurdity of it. Please try it now, before moving on to the next paragraph.

Iwanyk goes on to mention that Robin Hood: Origins will finally deliver the dark, brooding, PTSD-afflicted Robin Hood you've always wanted:

"...I feel that it captures the adventure and the fun and the spirit of Robin Hood, but because it’s the origin story—it’s a kid going off to war thinking he’s going on a great Crusade, and realizing it’s all bullshit and coming back with some PTSD and realizing he’s been lied to, and coming back to kind of a fractured society that doesn’t really accept him and realizing, ‘Okay the super rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer."

He also suggests that this iteration of Robin Hood has been built from the ground up to appeal to Millennials, a generation that has long clamored for their very own take on the Robin Hood story:

"What Joby Harold, our writer, was able to do is make it feel very allegorical and very contemporary, and feel youthful but not youthful in a YA way, youthful in a kind of, the anger, the energy, what people when they were 25 feel, without it being pandering like ‘Look, we’re the young version of the movie!’”

Look, we can't help but give this entire thing the side-eye, but I'd like to add two things here: one, Robin Hood: Origins has an incredible cast (including Jamie Foxx, Egerton, and ya forever boi Ben Mendelsohn), and maybe their combined charisma will #MakeRobinHoodInterestingAgain; and two, if Robin Hood: Origins pulls off legitimately John Wick-esque bow-and-arrow action, I will be the first person to sing this film's praises from the highest mountaintop. Bank on it.

You can read the rest of the interview over at Collider. Everyone else can stand by for Robin Hood: Origins' arrival in theaters on March 23rd, 2018. 
