Fox Chairman Says LOGAN’s R-Rated Intensity Worried The Studio

That's...exactly what we wanted to hear!

During a recent appearance at the Recode Media Conference, 20th Century Fox chairman Stacey Snider revealed that Logan's R-rated "intensity" caused no small amount of handwringing behind closed studio doors. 

Said Snider (as quoted by The Playlist):

"Inside, there was real consternation about the intensity of the tone of the film. It’s more of an elegy about life and death. The paradigm for it was a Western, and my colleagues were up in arms. It’s not a wise-cracking cigar-chomping mutton-sporting Wolverine, and the debate internally became, isn’t that freakin’ boring? Isn’t it exciting to imagine Wolverine as a real guy and he’s world-weary and he doesn’t want to fight anymore until a little girl needs him?”

This is, quite frankly, music to our ears. It's also unsurprising, given everything we've heard about Logan's content. From head-stabs to ripped throats to Professor X dropping F-bombs with wild abandon, all signs point to this being the no-holds-barred Wolverine movie we've always wanted to see. Of course this is the sort of thing Snider will be saying in the lead-up to the film's release - this is classic studio hype in action - but in this case, we're inclined to take it at face value.

Not much more to report here, but I'm gonna go ahead and embed the most recent Logan trailer again, because I've watched this thing maybe a dozen times and I'm still not sick of it. 

Logan arrives on March 3rd and we're basically counting the hours until it arrives.
