Here’s A Look At The Gruesome Origins Of LOGAN’s X-23

Yeesh. This is probably NSFW.

Hot on the heels of the news that Logan's R-rated "intensity" had 20th Century Fox studio execs clutching their pearls comes this video, directly from director James Mangold's Twitter feed.

Starts a little slow, but stick with it. Things get pretty gnarly!

So, ostensibly, what we're seeing here are the origins of Laura Kinney, better known as X-23. Played by newcomer Dafne Keen, word on the street is that X-23 is Logan's secret weapon, an unstoppable, pint-sized badass every bit as dangerous as Wolverine herself. From the looks of things, the two definitely share the same tortured past.

Logan. March 3rd. We're there.
