You’ll Never Believe This, But AVATAR 2 Has Been Delayed

In which the inevitable occurs.

Maybe you've noticed that James Cameron as not begun filming Avatar 2, and you've found yourself wondering how the hell he intends to meet that December, 2018 release date. Maybe you've been thinking that seems unlikely. 

Well, James Cameron agrees:

"Well, 2018 is not happening,” he told The Star ... “We haven’t announced a firm release date. What people have to understand is that this is a cadence of releases. So we’re not making Avatar 2. We’re making Avatar 2, 3, 4 and 5. It’s an epic undertaking. It’s not unlike building the Three Gorges dam. (Laughs) So I know where I’m going to be for the next eight years of my life. It’s not an unreasonable time frame if you think about it. It took us four-and-a-half years to make one movie and now we’re making four. We’re full tilt boogie right now. This is my day job and pretty soon we’ll be 24-7. We’re pretty well designed on all our creatures and sets. It’s pretty exciting stuff. I wish I could share with the world. But we have to preserve a certain amount of showmanship and we’re going to draw that curtain when the time is right.”

Yes, Avatar 2 will not hit that December, 2018 release date, after all. This isn't entirely shocking, but it does make one wonder when the film will arrive: this isn't the first time (or even the second) that Cameron's sequel's been delayed.

Oh, well! It'll get here when it gets here. What's another six months-to-a-year?
