James Mangold Is Joining THE FORCE

The director of LOGAN is circling his next project.

According to Deadline, Logan director James Mangold has settled on his next project: an adaptation of Don Winslow's forthcoming crime novel, The Force.

What's The Force about? Take it away, Deadline:

The novel is a close cousin to police-corruption films Serpico ... and The Departed and tells the story of a corrupt detective in the NYPD’s most elite crime-fighting unit. Sgt. Denny Malone is forced to choose between his family, his partners and his life. To stop the city’s long-simmering racial tensions from exploding, he must reconcile the idealistic guardian he still views himself to be with the corrupt cop he’s become. He then finds himself attacked on all sides: Harlem drug gangs, the mob he’s in bed with, the brother cops he’s about to destroy, the mayor’s office who fears what he knows and who he can implicate, the relentless federal investigators who want to put him behind bars but, most of all, his own demons. 

Winslow's one helluva writer, and The Force is reported to be great (Deadline's post features a rave early review from Stephen King, who calls it "The Godfather, with cops"). Here's hoping that Mangold can invest the material with some of the same kinetic energy that went into Logan. No word on who's writing the script, but we'll keep you posted as the news rolls in. 

(Header photo used courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
