The Final GHOST IN THE SHELL Trailer Has Arrived

Rupert Sanders' film arrives Friday. Are you in?

This Friday, after months of hype (and more than its fair share of drama), Paramount's Ghost In The Shell will arrive in theaters. Based on the legendary anime of the same name, Rupert Sanders' film has quite a mountain to climb, both with newcomers and old-school fans of the property.

Can it pull it off? We'll find out soon enough.

Look, I've said it before and I'll say it again: speaking as someone who's never seen the original, I think Ghost In The Shell's trailers have been pretty compelling. There's quite a bit of interesting tech-wizardry on display here, and I'm always down to watch Scarlett Johansson whoop ass. I'll be catching Ghost In The Shell later in the week, and you'll have my review come Friday. I'm unironically looking forward to this, so fingers crossed.

Oh, and in case the trailer wasn't clear, here's an official synopsis:

Based on the internationally-acclaimed sci-fi property, “GHOST IN THE SHELL” follows Major, a special ops, one-of-a-kind human-cyborg hybrid, who leads the elite task force Section 9. Devoted to stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, Section 9 is faced with an enemy whose singular goal is to wipe out Hanka Robotic’s advancements in cyber technology.

Ghost In The Shell opens March 31st. You gonna be there or what?
