Joss Whedon Doesn’t Want To Cast A Movie Star As BATGIRL

Whatever Whedon wants, Whedon should get.

In a new interview conducted by Variety at the Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 premiere, future Batgirl director Joss Whedon weighed in on who he'd like to see wearing the Batgirl cowl. Spoiler: it's probably not going to be anyone you're familiar with.

Here's the exact quote, for those of you who still enjoy reading:

"I don’t have my eye on anyone. I’m creating this character, I’m in a dialogue with her, and then we’ll see who joins that later on. I doubt it’ll be a name. I think this is somewhere where you go and find Batgirl and then you cast her. I’m not against movie stars, they’re great, but you need somebody who’s going to be just right. And in a situation like this, the name carries a lot of weight, so it’s not as critical.

...Definitely Vin Diesel."

So, nothing set in stone just yet, but Whedon would prefer to bring in an unknown. That sounds like a bold move, but of course we can probably assume that the rest of the cast will be filled out with more recognizable stars. And, honestly, what difference does it make? If it's good enough for Whedon, it'll almost certainly be good enough for us. 

What do you guys think of this approach? Cool with an unknown slipping into the role, or would you prefer Vin Diesel?
