James Mangold And Taylor Sheridan To Work On DISORDER Remake

Two heavy hitters team up.

James Mangold and Taylor Sheridan are two high-profile guys at the moment. Mangold just hit it big with Logan, while Sheridan wrote both Sicario and Hell or High Water and his directorial debut Wind River looks excellent. The idea of them working on something together is pretty exciting.

And that’s just what they’re up to according to Deadline. Mangold will direct and Sheridan has written a remake of the French thriller Disorder, which is about a badass suffering from PTSD who is hired to protect some rich guy’s wife and kid. I haven’t seen the original, but I bet it doesn’t go well. This new version is actually not expected to follow the original much anyway. But still, if things went super well, I doubt there'd be a movie.

This is being fast-tracked, so one has to wonder what this means for Mangold’s adaptation of John D. MacDonald’s The Deep Blue Good-By. I’m looking forward to Disorder, but much more concerned with the Travis McGee project.
