The Bruce Willis, Hayden Christensen Team Up Movie You’ve Always Wanted Is HERE!


Meet First Kill. It’s not a sequel to First Blood, but it does appear to take place in the woods:

Yes, that is tired Bruce Willis and everyone’s favorite actor Hayden Christensen finally teaming up in a movie after all these years of teasing us with the possibility. And with a name like First Kill, you know exactly what you’re getting - a movie about Cain and Abel.

No? Okay, how about a movie where a dude has to save his kid from bad guys by helping them with their schemes, while a cop tries his best to save everyone? Personally, I’d prefer these guys in a Cain and Abel movie, but you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.

Honestly, this doesn’t look that awful for a movie I’ll probably get from a Red Box in a year. Sometimes these things turn out better than expected, and if nothing else, it looks like Bruce Willis will be in this one for more than ten minutes. I just hope he’s awake.
