Daniel Day-Lewis Has Retired From Acting

In which Daniel Day-Lewis says, "I'm finished."

The folks over at Variety just dropped quite the bombshell: according to representatives speaking on behalf of the Oscar-winning actor, Daniel Day-Lewis has officially retired from acting. His final performance will arrive this December, in PT Anderson's Phantom Thread.

No particular reason was provided, but the reps did release this statement:

“Daniel Day-Lewis will no longer be working as an actor. He is immensely grateful to all of his collaborators and audiences over the many years. This is a private decision and neither he nor his representatives will make any further comment on this subject. ”

This statement seems par for the course with Day-Lewis, doesn't it? The dude's always felt a little distant and removed, and if he really is hanging up his spurs, it wouldn't surprise me if he were to wrap it all up with three sentences and an assurance that he'd never speak of it again. He's mysterious, that Daniel Day-Lewis.

Will this retirement hold? Day-Lewis has gone off the grid before, only to return (according to legend, he was working as a cobbler when Martin Scorsese convinced him to star in Gangs Of New York), so who knows? Speaking as a fan, I hope it's not true. Speaking as someone who's inclined to take someone as serious as Daniel Day-Lewis at their word, I fear that it is. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

PT Anderson's Phantom Thread will arrive this Christmas. It's all but guaranteed to net Daniel Day-Lewis another Oscar nomination (worth noting: a fourth Best Actor trophy would be one helluva way for him to go out).
