Weekend In Review: TRANSFORMERS 5 Opens With A Not-So-Nice $69M

It's the lowest opening in the franchise's history.

When considering Transformers: The Last Knight's performance at the box office this weekend, there are two numbers to be considered - the five-day total (the film opened earlier in the week) and the three-day total. The five-day puts Michael Bay's fifth Transformers movie at roughly $69M, while the three-day has the film earning roughly $45M. Neither of these numbers are great. In fact, they represent the lowest opening weekend in the franchise's history.

If you think that means we're witnessing the beginning of this franchise's end, well, wait until the overseas numbers come in. This franchise ain't going anywhere, even if people in the States are clearly growing bored with it. Hollywood will be making Transformers movies long after you, I, and everyone we love is dead. 

Y'know what movie isn't underperforming, though? Michael Showalter's The Big Sick, which opened in New York and Los Angeles this weekend. In just five theaters, the film managed to rake in about $435k, leaving it with a per-screen average of roughly $87k. That might not sound like a mindblowing figure, but as it turns out, that's the highest per-screening average we've seen all year. We're rooting for The Big Sick 'round these parts, so here's hoping it continues to do well once it expands.

In other news: Twin Peaks is back tonight and the Birth.Movies.Death. team is (as per usual) very hyped about it. We're not so hyped to have been reminded that there won't be a new episode next week, so make sure you savor this one for all it's worth. Gonna be a long wait until July 9th. Maybe some of you can use this opportunity to catch up on the season thus far, which is seriously shaping up to be one of the year's most incredible entertainment events. Remember when we were all worried that it might not be great? Man. We were so young and foolish then.

Anyway, that's what's going on in our world this weekend. What are you guys up to? What'd ya see, what'd ya do, and how are you spending your Sunday? Sound off in the comments below.
