New DARK TOWER Trailer Lets Stephen King, Idris Elba And Matthew McConaughey Have Their Say

The wait is almost over.

After many, many years and many, many false starts, we're finally just a few weeks away from the release of Sony's The Dark Tower. Starring Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey and what appears to be about 15,000 rounds of ammunition, Nikolaj Arcel's would-be epic is ostensibly here to kick off an entire Dark Tower franchise.

Will it succeed? We've got our fingers crossed. All we can do now is sit back, relax, and go wherever Ka takes us. While we're waiting on that to occur, here's a newly-released trailer that gives Elba, McConaughey and Dark Tower mastermind Stephen King a chance to explain their roles in all this. It's pretty cool!

So, not a ton of new footage in there, but I definitely caught some new stuff...most of it revolving around Idris Elba's talents with those six-shooters. I'm not sure how much of that is really him and how much has been bolstered by the clever application of CGI, but I do know it's impressive. It's perhaps a little more balletic than I ever imagined Roland Deschain to be, but it's still pretty damn exciting to see in action.

Where are you folks on all this? Still crossing your fingers? Think this'll be the summer's biggest surprise? Did you plow through the Dark Tower series in anticipation of the film? Sound off in the comments below, we're curious where your heads are at.
