All aboard the DREDD hype train!

Back in May, we learned that Judge Dredd was headed to television in a new series to be titled Judge Dredd: Mega City One. At the time, the show was described as...

"...set in a future where the East Coast of the U.S. has become a crowded and crime-ridden megalopolis. It will be an ensemble drama about a team of Judges — futuristic cops invested with the power to be judge, jury, and executioner — as they deal with the challenges the future-shocked 22nd century throws at them."

Because Birth.Movies.Death. is a Judge Dredd household, we were excited by this news...but we couldn't help but wonder about the odds of Karl Urban (who so memorably crushed the role in 2012's wildly underrated Dredd) returning to the property. At the time, there was nothing to report on the matter, so all we could do was cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Today, we've been given a solid update by the folks at ComicBook.com:

"(Karl Urban) revealed at the Star Trek Las Vegas Convention that he is in talks to appear in the television series Judge Dredd: Mega City One, which is currently in development.

“I am in discussions with them about that,” Urban revealed. “I told them that if they write the material and give Dredd something to do and give him a function, I will be there. I would love to.”

Oh, hell yes. Even if Urban appears in a limited capacity - and the quote above indicates that may be the case - he'd be a welcome anchor for this series, not to mention a fine bit of connective tissue directly linking Mega City One to Pete Travis' 2012 film. Hell, maybe the show will prove popular enough to get another Dredd movie made! Maybe it'll even get a sizable budget this time!

But then, let's not get ahead of ourselves. For now, let's hope that Judge Dredd: Mega City One and Karl Urban are able to make the scheduling work, and that the series (which, as of yet, does not appear to have a network attached) delivers on the promise of that 2012 film. 

What do you guys think? As excited about this as we are? Sound off below.
