Showtime Says They’re Down For More TWIN PEAKS If David Lynch Wants To Do It

No discussions as of yet, but Showtime's ready to deal.

We're just about a month away from Twin Peaks: The Return wrapping its triumphant run on Showtime (note: if you have found this season of Twin Peaks to be anything less than triumphant, please call your internet provider and have them cancel your service, post-haste), and you know what that means: it's time to start pre-emptively deciding whether or not more Twin Peaks is a good idea.

From where we're standing, the question can't be properly answered until we've seen how Twin Peaks: The Return wraps up, but let's say - just for the sake of discussion - that it leaves fans wanting more. What then? Would Showtime be willing to fund another 18 hours' worth of balls-out Lynch weirdness? Would Lynch himself (and, yes, Mark Frost) even be interested in returning?

According to a quote given to Deadline, Showtime programming president Gary Levine can answer at least one of those questions:

“The door’s always open to David Lynch,, whether that would lead to another season, I don’t know if he wants to do it. This was a Herculean effort. I’m not sure if any director has ever done 18 hours in a row of a series… It’s remarkable what he achieved,  fans are liking it and for me that’s what’s satisfying.”

Showtime CEO David Nevins adds:

“It was always intended to be one season. A lot of people are speculating but there’s been zero contemplation, zero discussions other than fans asking me about it.”

In other words, Showtime sounds like they'd be down for more Twin Peaks if David Lynch is, but they have no idea at this point whether or not that's the case. One can't help but assume, what with the 18 hours they had at their disposal, that Lynch and Frost put everything they had into The Return...but it's not completely outside the realm of possibility that they've got a thing or two left over. It's also not outside the realm of possibility to imagine them taking an inordinate amount of time to deliver another set of scripts.

As we mentioned above, it's hard to even say if more Twin Peaks is a good idea at this point. That's something we won't have a firm grip on until The Return reaches its end. My gut tells me that another go 'round would be tempting fate, but I'd also have to admit that I questioned whether The Return was a good idea in the first place, so what do I know? Nothing, that's what.

While we're waiting on new Peaks to wrap up, here's an alternate pitch for Showtime: why not let Lynch make his long-gestating (and apparently abandoned) Ronnie Rocket as a limited series? That, or literally anything else he's never found the funding to do (except maybe One Saliva Bubble)?
