Noted Badass Scott Glenn Joins Hulu’s CASTLE ROCK Series

Playing Alan Pangborn, no less!

Being the huge Stephen King fans that we are around here (side note: you have ordered your Stephen King issue of BMD magazine, yes?), the entire Birth.Movies.Death. team is very much looking forward to JJ Abrams and Hulu's forthcoming Castle Rock series. A whole show set in one of King's most oft-visited locations? Featuring a bunch of King characters, some of whom may or may not be crossing paths with one another for the first time? You bet your ass we're in.

And yet, as one casting notice after another has crossed our desks, there's been a pronounced lack of...well, recognizable King characters: Moonlight's Andre Holland, Jane Levy and Carrie veteran Sissy Spacek, and It's Bill Skarsgard have all joined the cast, but none of them seem to be playing characters from King's novels. But today, we've finally got someone joining the cast as an already-established King character.

Take it away, THR:

"The Hulu anthology series has added The Leftovers and The Defenders actor Scott Glenn as a series regular. He'll play Alan Pangborn, a retired sheriff who presided over some of the darkest years in Castle Rock's checkered history — a Kingian icon at the center of Needful Things and The Dark Half."

If you've been concerned about the lack of recognizable characters announced thus far, this bit of news should work two-fold: not only is Castle Rock bringing Alan Pangborn into the fold (a move that makes a lot of sense, given the character's role in Castle Rock itself; if I had to guess, I'd imagine Pangborn will be a key player in this saga), but he's arriving in the form of noted badass Scott Glenn. This is awesome news!

Still no word on when we might actually get to see anything from Castle Rock (or what other notable King characters might be popping up), but you can rest assured we'll be monitoring this one obsessively for updates in the months ahead. Stay tuned.
