It’s Official: We’re Getting An Obi-Wan Kenobi Spin-Off

Another Star Wars Story.

So as it turns out, the whole Star Wars "spin-offs" thing was just a ruse to make prequels directly related to everyone and everything we're already familiar with. Case in point, that long-rumoured Obi-Wan movie is happening for real.

THR reports the film is in the early stages of production, but will likely be overseen and directed by Stephen Daldry of such Oscar-nominated films as Billy Elliott, The Hours, The Reader and... I think I'm forgetting one. It's unknown whether or not Ewan McGregor will reprise his role, or when this thing even takes place. Between Rogue One and Han Solo though, something tells me it'll fill in the gap between Revenge of the Sith and the original Star Wars in some way, like maybe he wasn't on Tattooine the whole time. Or maybe he was and that's where the whole movie takes place. 

Yes, I'm sure some novel or video game already tells us what he was up to, but those things have been thrown out before. Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Star Wars Story, which is what we're calling it until we hear otherwise, doesn't have a release date. You can probably expect it to come out in 2020. 

...EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE! That's the one. Daldry did that one too. 
