Seth Rogen To Give Us New Reminders Why Stoner Culture Sucks Via Streaming Service

Fire up the Phish and call your smelly uncle who always tries to sell you "a dime".

Look, I’m just gonna be real with you: weed is great, but stoner culture is the worst. Like, it ranks right up there with vaping and people who buy those things to spin on their desk (as if sneaking a look at porn in the workplace is no longer acceptable in Trump’s America).

But just in case you forgot how shitty your neighbor who’s always blaring the Dead and has a “420 4 Life” sticker on the back of his ’98 Volvo is, Seth Rogen’s here to remind us all that stoner culture is populated by vapid doofs. The multi-hyphenate performer (whom I actually love 98% of the time) has partnered with Merry Jane, the Emmy-nominated cannabis news and lifestyle media platform (NO SERIOUSLY), to help provide a new lineup of content, including further episodes of Talking Buds, a series manned by Rogen’s creative agency, Point Grey.

Also on the docket: a short-form series with Wiz Khalifa and Taylor Gang , which apparently combines elements of Jackass with American Ninja Warrior and, of course, weed.

I spent about five minutes listing off dumb shit I’d rather watch than any of this:

  1. Whatever Adam Sandler’s currently doing at Netflix
  2. Bumfights
  3. Videos of Ben Affleck deciding whether or not to be in The Batman
  4. Old Sex Ed videos from the 50s
  5. Sam Saathoff’s audition tapes for Magnum, PI

At least its not another Joker movie, I guess.
