Weekend In Review: THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD Triumphs By Default

Labor Day delivers an excruciatingly slow weekend at the box office.

Here's an interesting stat: according to Deadline, The Hitman's Bodyguard is the only film to hold the #1 spot at the box office for three straight weekends this summer. That sounds great until you notice that the film basically won the weekend by default, as there were no other new, wide-release challenges to knock it off its perch. Oh, well, you take your wins where you can get 'em, I suppose.

Here's another little interesting factoid: looks like Marvel's heavily-mocked The Inhumans earned around $2M in limited IMAX engagements this weekend. That's crazy! Marvel could bankroll twenty new Inhumans pilots with that kind of money! 

Truth be told, the box office news is exceptionally boring this weekend, so let's instead use this final section to discuss the weekend's biggest story: the forthcoming finale of Twin Peaks: The Return. The entire BMD staff has gone full junkie for The Return, hooked through the bag and back since the season premiered back in May. We're all amazed with just how excellent it's been, and at this point we're all reasonably confident Lynch and company will stick the landing ... but we won't know for sure until tonight. I'd say we're nervous and excited in equal measure.

On the requisite personal note: I spent yesterday doing almost literally nothing and it was fucking amazing. Logged some quality time with Salt And Sanctuary (heads up, PS4 owners: it's a 2D Dark Souls clone, and it's incredible), then I bit the bullet and signed up for a Shudder account. Holy shit, that service is great! Finally gave The Exorcist III a whirl and am happy to report that it's just as great as everyone says it is. Very satsifying when that happens.

Today activities include: drinking, recording the new Trying Times (our guest this month is the great Nacho Vigolando, so get ready for that), and having some folks over to watch the big Twin Peaks finale. What are y'all doing with your extra-long weekend? Sound off below.
