James Cameron Is Bringing TRUE LIES To Television

Paging Tom Arnold!

Here's an unexpected development, via The Playlist:

"(James Cameron)'s Lightstorm Entertainment and 20th Century Fox TV are teaming up to develop a TV series based on Cameron’s 1994 blockbuster True Lies...

McG (Charlie’s Angels, Terminator Salvation) will direct the pilot...and he’ll be co-writing the script with Arrow co-creator Marc Guggenheim."

Okay, so maybe this isn't the True Lies return Tom Arnold always promised us (side note: he's definitely gonna be on this thing, right?), but it's something. It's also the latest older Cameron property to be brought out of storage, dusted off, and slapped with a new coat of paint. 

Who's gonna star in it, what network will it land on, and how closely will it resemble the 1994 film it's based on? We have no idea, but we'll keep you informed as the updates roll in. In the meantime: is a True Lies TV series something you'd be interested in? If not, what could they do with it to get you onboard?

Also, am I going crazy, or is True Lies really not available on Blu-ray? The hell? 
