Trailer For THE ENDLESS Promises More Lovecraftian Horror From Benson & Moorhead

The creative duo are back with a Lovecraftian cult tale.

It’s no secret that we’re big fans of Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead here at BMD. Hell, Drafthouse Films (now NEON) distributed Spring, their poignant, disturbing coming of age movie that’s as beguiling as it is unclassifiable. Furthermore, Resolution is one of the smartest horror deconstructions in recent memory.

Now the boys are back, writing, directing and starring in their latest, The Endless, a chronicle of the journey two brothers take to a cult in an attempt to unravel its spiritual mysteries.

Check out this first trailer:

There’s something Lovecraftian about that rope going into the darkness, and the two characters attempting to define exactly what “it” is waiting out there in the blackness for them. When combined with those looming clouds and the constant existential questions being posed, The Endless looks like another challenging genre exercise from the two budding auteurs.

The Endless plays later this weekend at Fantastic Fest, and we have some exciting coverage lined up for you (with hopefully some answers to the above questions). Following its festival run, Well Go USA will release the movie for everyone to see.
